Starting a business is daunting and risky and even though you’ve done what you think is right, sometimes, it just doesn’t work. Here are some of the ideas you can do that can help you build your business and gain authority.

Start small. Keep in mind, too, that there is power in prototyping. Find ways to try things out on a smaller scale before building out a full-blown launch. You’ll get valuable feedback with less risk up front, including information that can help you make meaningful—and potentially lucrative—modifications.


Who is featured on your website? If your website has stock or customer images or videos, who do they capture? Can those visiting for the first (or fourteenth) time find themselves represented in the visual material you share? If not, it’s probably time to reconsider your approach.


Is your content accessible? Another crucial question to ask yourself is whether or not your content is accessible to every member of your consumer community. For example, is every image on your website tagged, so that it can be described by a screen reader? Are the colors high contract so that those with low vision or color deficiencies can easily decipher the content? A quick search for tips on how to increase site accessibility will provide a wealth of helpful information.


Are you capturing what your client or customer really wants? It’s easy to get caught up in what we think our buyers want, or even what we believe would be best for them. But it’s important to remember that those are merely assumptions. The only way to find out if you’re truly serving your audience is to do your research. Don’t hesitate to ask them what they want and need, and to inquire again at regular intervals.


Your customers and clients are definitely online. We’ve heard business leaders mention time and again that their buyers aren’t on social media, but the stats say otherwise. Today, there are over 3.7 billion people of all ages, stages and walks of life on at least one social media platform—yes, including your clients and customers. That means you have to be there too.


Know that when it comes to building a following, breadth and depth matter. Keep in mind, too, that while whom you attract matters, not every follower has to become a client or customer to be worth your while. Those who seem to fall outside of your target market most likely have connections within it. That means they too provide you with an avenue to reach your ideal audience. And of course, you cannot underestimate the benefits of likes, shares, comments and more when it comes to driving brand awareness.


Keep this old adage in mind: People buy from people. It’s been around forever, but it still holds true. People buy from people, not businesses. Social media presents an excellent opportunity to show who you are as a brand, and thus connect with the people who will ultimately be placing their order.
