An Online Influencer Does Not…

1.) Refuse to Accept Any Blame

No one expects you to fall on the proverbial sword if in fact you have done nothing wrong.

But don’t be too quick to avoid accountability either.

After all, this is the attribute we all dislike in our elected officials.  Their seeming inability to admit their mistakes and outright refusal to accept blame are downright exasperating. The very best leaders aren’t afraid to accept blame and are always willing to share credit.

2.) Become a Narcissist

When an influencer becomes narcissistic, they forget their place.  After all, their job is to serve those around them.

They forget this though, and think, “I am so great, everyone loves me, I can do no wrong and all my employees love everything I do.”

Don’t be an egomaniac, as it isn’t an effective leadership technique.

Instead, be willing to listen to those around you who know better than you about certain things. Also, welcome criticism, and admit you aren’t perfect.

3.) Don’t Fire Bad Vendors or Employees

On the opposite side of the spectrum from the arrogant leader is the leader who won’t make the tough calls.

This person refuses to fire vendors or employees who aren’t pulling their weight for whatever reason.

Of course, letting someone go is never fun. However, sometimes it needs to happen, and it’s up to the leader to complete the unpleasant task. When a leader wants to avoid conflict at all cost, they end up putting their whole company in jeopardy.

Remember, it’s okay to be compassionate, just don’t let employees get away with substandard performance for sustained periods of time.

4.) Don’t Know Their Own Strengths/ Weaknesses

To be fair, we all find it difficult to self access, as it’s hard for anyone to define their own weakness and/or strengths.

TalentSmarts research revealed only 36% of more than a million people polled were able to accurately self-assess. Of course, this study was not limited to high-powered leaders.

However, the point applies to this position as well. A good leader understands what they do well and what they don’t.

When they can’t do this, they don’t seek the help they need or embrace what they do exceptionally well.

5.) Not Communicating

In all relational issues, communication is not only important, it’s crucial. In the online world, this is no less true.

However, many online influencers neglect communication. They only lecture. They don’t listen.

Of course, this isn’t an example of effective communication and the end result is the lose sight of what their followers really want. An influencer who doesn’t listen will leave their followers confused and looking elsewhere for advice.